Events Calendar
Coming Up:
Sun. September 22
2 John 10:45am
Evening Service 6:30pm
Sun. September 29
3rd John 10:45am
Evening Service 6:30pm
Sat. October 5
Community Outreach 12pm
Sun. October 6
Dave Deets Speaking 10:45am
Evening Service 6:30pm
Sun. October 13
Hebrews 6 10:45am
Evening Service 6:30pm
Sun. October 20
Hebrews 12 10:45am
Elder Meeting 4:30pm
Evening Service 6:30pm
Regular Events:
9:45am Bible Classes (All Ages)
10:45am Morning Service
6:30pm Evening Service
9:30am Lady's Bible Study
​6:00pm NVBC B.I.T.E.S./C.H.O.M.P.s
6:30pm Bible Study & Prayer Meeting
12:009m Young Mothers Bible Study
3:00pm Men's Bible Study
1st Saturday of each month 10:00am Community Outreach (COM/OUT)
Past Events:
Church Anniversary Picnic
Passover Seder Meal
Resurrection Sunday
Christmas Progam
Steeped in the Word & Dedicated to the Glory of God
Whether it be in fellowship or worship we strive to focus on Christ and we do that by
searching out the Scriptures